Mar 13, 2023 | Cultural Heritage, World
Manana Tevzadze, the Chair of Blue Shield Georgia participated in the international conference “Heritage in War: Plan and Prepare” which was held on February 28 in London, at the invitation of the Victoria and Albert Museum’s “Culture in...
Oct 8, 2020 | Cultural Heritage, Natural Resources, Policy, World
On September 29, Manana Tevzadze, the chairperson of Georgian National Committee of the Blue Shield, met with representatives of the Gori field Office of European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM). The purpose of the meeting was to introduce the monitoring...
Feb 20, 2020 | Cultural Heritage, Policy, World
Signing of the MoU, 13 February 2020, Geneva. © ICRC 2020 From left to right: Benjamin Charlier (ICRC), Peter Stone (Vice-President of Blue Shield / Newcastle University), Karl von Habsburg (President of Blue Shield), Helen Durham (ICRC), Yves Daccord (Director...