A webinar “IDP organizations and coalition building” was organized by the Blue Shield Georgia and the Penn Cultural Heritage Center.

The webinar was held within the framework of the “Protection of Cultural Heritage of Occupied Regions – Phase 2” project and aimed to gather representatives of Georgian museums and organizations involved in cultural activities who work with the IDP community and to help them communicate about common challenges.

The webinar was attended by the representatives of Didi Liakhvi Valley Museum-Reserve, Uplistsikhe Museum, Koda and Shaumiani Community Education Centers, and DVV International.

The following experts joined the meeting online:

Deborah Ziska – Chair of the International Committee for Marketing and Public Relations of the International Council of Museums;

Ivan Senock – Deputy Director of Restore the Delta.During the panel discussion moderated by Grace Golden from Artistic Freedom Initiative foreign experts shared their experiences with the participants of the webinar.

The project is implemented with funding from the US Embassy grant.

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