Photo: Lasha Shartava

We are pleased to inform you that Georgian National Committee of the Blue Shield received a architectural conservation grant from The Getty Foundation dedicated to significant 20th century buildings as part of its Keeping It  Modern initiative.

The grant is to support research and preparation of conservation plan and maintenance recommendations for Chess Palace and Alpine Club in Tbilisi, Georgia, designed by famous Georgian architects Vladimir Aleksi-Meskhishvili and Germane Gudushauri.

The aim of the project “Conservation of Modernist Architecture and its Sustainable Use in Georgia” is :

  • To develop a first ever conservation plan for a late Soviet Modernism building in Tbilisi which will serve as a prototype for other similar period buildings,
  • To facilitate future proper restoration, conservation and continued maintenance of a late Soviet Modernism style building;
  • To increase the awareness on the values of late Soviet Modernism period architecture among city authorities and wider Georgian public through listing the site and carrying out public awareness activities with the help of international experts and use of various types of media.
  • To train young architects and heritage professionals in documentation, conservation planning process and etc. of the buildings of the same period as TBILISI CHESS PALACE AND ALPINE CLUB.

Under the scope of the project will be :

  • Developed an integrated conservation and maintenance plan for the building by the local and international experts.
  • Carried out capacity building training for young professionals and interested public.
  • Prepared a nomination file for the listing of the building in the National Register of Cultural Heritage Sites and submit it to the National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia.
  • Georgian National Committee of the Blue Shield and an independent researcher – Nini Palavandishvili with the input from international consultants will prepare a publication featuring the results of the undertaken studies – historical as well as contemporary condition overview of the building, as well as the results of trainings and workshops mentioned above.

ICOMOS CIPA Heritage Documentation Winter School

(January 16 – 19, 2019)

Blue Shield Georgia under the Getty Foundation’s Keeping it Modern Initiative in collaboration with CIPA Heritage Documentation will be offering a four-day thematic training for the documentation limited to fifteen young architects, conservators, urbanists and art historians, and engineers. The workshop will take place en situ at the Tbilisi Chess Palace and Alpine Club and will be led by international experts Rand Eppich, Stratos Stylianidis  and Abhijit (Abhu) Dhanda.

The Getty Foundation and Keeping it Modern Initiative

The Getty Foundation fulfills the philanthropic mission of the Getty Trust by supporting individuals and institutions committed to advancing the greater understanding and preservation of the visual arts in Los Angeles and throughout the world. Through strategic grant initiatives, the Foundation strengthens art history as a global discipline, promotes the interdisciplinary practice of conservation, increases access to museum and archival collections, and develops current and future leaders in the visual arts. It carries out its work in collaboration with the other Getty Programs to ensure that they individually and collectively achieve maximum effect. Additional information is available at

Keeping It Modern an international grant initiative that continues the foundation’s deep commitment to architectural conservation with a focus on important buildings of the twentieth century was developed by The Getty Foundation. Keeping It Modern is supporting grant projects of outstanding architectural significance that promise to advance conservation practices. Grants focus on the creation of conservation management plans that guide long-term maintenance and conservation policies, the thorough investigation of building conditions, and the testing and analysis of modern materials. Past grant awardees of the Keeping it Modern initiative have included the Sidney Opera House, the Price Tower in Oklahoma by Frank Lloyd Wright, and the Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau.

Blue Shield Georgia

Georgian National Committee of the Blue Shield was founded in 2013 and is recognized by the International Committee of the Blue Shield, as one of the 24 national committees of the Blue Shield worldwide. Like International Committee of the Blue Shield, Georgian National Committee of the Blue Shield aims at protecting cultural heritage from natural disasters and from the damages incurred in the event of armed conflicts, raising awareness on and facilitating implementation of both protocols of the Hague Convention in Georgia, facilitate creation of risk preparedness and management plans for cultural heritage protection, raising awareness on threats to cultural heritage.

Media Contact:

Maryam Kalkhitashvili

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