Tbilisi Chess Palace and Alpine Club by Lado Aleksi-Meskhishvili and Germane Ghudushauri opened in 1973 in Tbilisi, Georgia and is one of the most remarkable buildings from Late Soviet Modernist architecture.
Since its opening, the Tbilisi Chess Palace and Alpine Club has acted as a community hub, seated in the heart of Georgia’s capital city. Despite the club’s popularity, the building has lacked dedicated funding for maintenance. Its exterior and interior finishes have begun to deteriorate, its heating and electrical systems require updating, and the structure itself has been subdivided to create rental spaces.
This is the common fate, which most of the buildings from this period share. Negative associations to the socialist regime, even somewhat of an aggression towards it, political, social and economic turbulences, the country has gone through, all left their imprint on these buildings.
As you might know, Tbilisi Chess Palace and Alpine Club is a lucky one to be awarded Keeping It Modern Grant from the Getty Foundation, which allows us to prepare its conservation plan. Besides working on just one building, we use this opportunity to draw attention to the common problems, late Soviet Modernist buildings share in Georgia and raise the awareness of the wider public of the values these buildings possess.
We know there are quite many of you – lovers and appreciators of Late Soviet Modernist Architecture, in Georgia and abroad.We would love to reach out to you and ask to contribute with your photo collections of this period Architecture in Georgia. Your works will be displayed in the form of a digital projection on May 18th, 2019 at the Tbilisi Chess Palace and Alpine Club within the programme of the International Night of Museums. And even though we have no museum of architecture in Georgia and still fight for the preservation of many of our architectural gems, we would like to use this opportunity and show the visitors the variety and beauty of those structures.
Participation is without financial remuneration, but we guarantee proper credit for each author.
If you are willing to contribute your works, please send the images as a JPG format in high resolution (at least 1600x1200 pixels) as a zipped file or via Wetransfer until April 30th to the following email: info@blueshield.ge.
And please, do not forget to caption the images and name the folders, so we can properly credit you.
Thank you very much in advance and we look forward to hearing from you.
Georgian National Committee of the Blue Shield