In 9th regional training for South Caucasus Museums – “Safeguarding Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis”, that took place at Georgian National Museum, between July 17 and 19, Georgian National Committee of the Blue Shield was involved as a partner organization.


During the training, the Chair of the National Committee of the Blue Shield, Manana Tevzadze led sessions on the 1954 Hague Convention and the International Committee of the Blue Shield, on the activities of the Georgian National Committee of the Blue Shield regarding the protection of cultural heritage in emergency situations and introduced to the audience the study project of GNCBS on Preparedness for emergency situations at Georgian museums, archives and libraries.


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On July 18th, Manana Tevzadze, along with members of the GNCBS Maryam Kalkhitashvili and Irakli Kobulia, delivered a lecture on principles of emergency documentation and evacuation procedures. The second half of the day was devoted to emergency simulation training, followed by discussion and feedback from trainers and participants.




The regional project was organized by ICOM Georgia – საქართველო in collaboration with ICOM Disaster Risk Management Committee, namely chair of ICOM/DRMC, director of Smithsonian Cultural Rescue Initiative  Corine Wegener. The project was carried out with the support of Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia, US Embassy Tbilisi, Georgia.

The project was funded within International Council of Museums – ICOM Support to Network 2019 – ICOM Projects and Co-funded by Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia, US Embassy Tbilisi, Georgia.


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