On June 22, a working meeting was held at the Sergi Makalatia Historical-Ethnographic Museum in Gori within the framework of the project “Planning for the Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage of Gori, Georgia”.

The museum was provided with professional photo studio equipment, which will significantly improve the photo documentation  process of the exhibits.

The analysis of the conditions in the museum also continues. The expert, Tamar Iashvili, took laboratory samples from the museum’s storage spaces and exhibits for mycological testing. The results of the study will play an important role in the risk analysis document, which will form the basis of the disaster risk preparedness plan created for the museum. Creating this plan is one of the main results of the project.

The Blue Shield team evaluated the storage materials of the museum’s particularly vulnerable exhibits in order to improve their conditions.

The Blue Shield team talked to the museum staff about the progress of the project and discussed current issues. The project “Planning for the Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage of Gori, Georgia” is being implemented from 2020 with the financial support of the International Alliance for the Protection of Cultural Heritage in the conflict regions ALIPH.

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