Manana Tevzadze, the Chair of Blue Shield Georgia participated in the international conference “Heritage in War: Plan and Prepare” which was held on February 28 in London, at the invitation of the Victoria and Albert Museum’s “Culture in Crisis” program. 

Her presentation centered around the project implemented at the Sergi Makalatia Historic-Ethnographic Museum in Gori, aimed at improving the museum’s crisis preparedness and response. In her report, she emphasized the need for cooperation between various civic organizations and military forces in order to protect cultural heritage during crises.

The chairman of Blue Shield Georgia participated also in the panel discussion and answered the questions from the audience. One of the questions touched on the protection of intangible heritage in times of conflict, in response to which she had the opportunity to mention the current activities of the organization, particularly, the documentation and study of the intangible cultural heritage and oral histories of the displaced population from the occupied Didi Liakhvi Valley in the Tskhinvali Region.

‘Heritage at War: Plan and Prepare’ brought together voices from Europe, the US, Africa, and Asia to explore how lessons learned from past experiences of conflict can inform our approaches to the safeguarding of cultural heritage today.

The conference consisted of two sessions, the first – ‘Learning from the Past’ explored case studies from previous conflicts that highlight interdisciplinary efforts to protect heritage. The second conference session – ‘Preparing for the Present’, invited speakers to share their views on how the heritage sector can successfully work to protect heritage from the risks of direct ground attack today.

The conference was attended by 150 participants in person, and 235 more visually. The audience included attendees from 41 countries from the continents of Asia, Africa, North and South America, and Europe.

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